Page 10 - Pricoat S.A de C.V

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MEGOHMETRO is capable of measuring
For conductive systems, the measurement at 10 V.
For dissipative systems, the measurement at 100 V.
Rubber electrodes with weights of 5 lb, placed at a distance of three feet apart.
The rule states that no performing 5 measurements per
5,000 ft2
of surface. A
minimum of 3 measurements should be taken in areas of high traffic or
chemical attack.
ANSI/ESD STM 7.1: Point to Point Resistance(Rtt)
Chihuahua, México
Tel. 52 (614) 481-4344
Fax 52 (614) 483-2216
C. Nicolás Gogól #11343
Complejo Industrial Chihuahua
ZP. 31109